Thursday, March 19, 2009

big bang

In the momentum of those moments,
when I go mad with boredom and loneliness, away
from those I love, bathed in the glow
of a television rainbow, sinking into the fabric
of my faded navy blue couch, I feel as though
the Universe has no nowhere and every where is
right here, right now.


reality's dirge

smoke home prescribed dope
listen to schizophrenic folk songs
about Love and Hope
and the potentialities of Man

unbrand and drink wine
fast forward to rewind
be mindful of the time
the day is leaving

when evening comes around
skip town without a sound
keep an ear to the ground
the Earth is sleeping

the footsteps in the sand
cannot lend a helping hand
Father's bound to take a stand
when Mother's weeping

night creeps up from behind
the sun cowers and then hides
though nature is alive
it's always dying

all that's left to see
has been determined to be free
if there ever was a choice
then it's been made

got it way too wrong to write
broken kite just won't take flight
still too afraid to fight
The Holy Structure

governments invest
in middle class lament
far too salient
to ever rupture

straight edge politicians
don't ever take positions
and won't be propositioned
at this juncture

too poor to buy their lies
there's no Soul in their eyes
their speech is attracting flies
it's not surprising

would you could leave
the company bereaved
slipping through a sieve
your t-shirt's sleeveless

it's too cold to be warm
you must have been forewarned
we've all been so informed
about the weather

stop just to begin
seek Salvation just to Sin
Morals are blowin in the wind
just like they're feathers

must have caught the flu
don't know just what to do
why does it always have to get worse
before it gets any better?


Monday, March 16, 2009

humping through Trinh Son 2

we bury ourselves with the sunset so we may rise
with the dead each morning. grinning, like bastard angels
huffing ether from a plastic bottle, we flutter
and fall face first in pools of piss and vomit. stuttering,
scrambling to get perpendicular to the Earth, our Souls
spill out in giggles and dry heaves, like steam
from a sputtering teapot. the mist of dawn wraps
its arms around us, weaving through the pores
of our skin, eating at open sores,
dissolving scabs, and drinking our scars.
the disjointed illusion of God on His Horizon,
swirling in purple, orange, and pink
starts a steady stream of tears and mucus
down our frozen, blue cheeks, and breath,
as we know it, ceases to exist.


Nirguna Brahman

in and out of states
of mind. traveling

through space and time.
accelerating stationary,

tangent to the curve.

revisions and recorded facts.
pages torn from books of past.

answer that I have not asked,
lessons to be learned.

sleepless nights for days

on end. dawn
and dusk

have made amends. funny
how the sunlight

bends, smiling at the moon.

accordingly, I shake my head:
no wonder life gives birth to death.

3/16/09 3:09 am