There is no Hope for a man without reason. He barrages himself with booze and cigarettes without cessation. He sleeps little, if at all--four to five hours a night, at the most. With no regard whatsoever for things like common decency, law, or proper grammar, he is the type of man that the female species could never dare bring home to meet their father. He is his own God. He knows Jesus Loves Him but He does not fucking care. He would rather watch two queers fuck than go to Church.
It is impossible for a man without reason to have any Faith. He has no Faith in Mankind, he has no faith in the Government, and he certainly does not have any fucking faith whatsoever in Cunt. Cunt, to the man without reason, is the root of all Evil. Come to think of it, maybe the man without reason is actually the Most Reasonable Man.
I have no reason to say these things... only Jameson, Camel Lights, and sleep deprivation...
It has occurred to me that I am the Most Reasonable Man. I am speaking of myself, again.
Fuck the Most Reasonable Man. He is a decidedly arrogant prick. He blatantly steals ideas from others without any semblance of remorse, yet claims to be Original. The Most Reasonable Man thinks it is entirely fine to constantly reside between two ends of a spectrum, between one place and another place. He has doors opened for him, like he is the fucking mayor of Columbus, Ohio, but he insists upon keeping one foot out the door. Not only that, but the arrogant prick recycles the same tired lines, over and over again, and still expects everyone to continue to pay him attention. Such-a pah-luh-fucking-tishin!
The Most Reasonable Man must not have any attention span. How else could he survive, for so long, in such an unreasonable, degenerate society? It is a wonder his mind is not perverted!
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