Tuesday, May 19, 2009

serial shaman

I'm on autopilot.
zombified, prone to violence.
stop to smell the violets and cut my nose on a rose.
blow a bunch of cocaine and fuck some fat hoes.
who the fuck even knows?
mosey down the street with my dick in my hand.
could you hold this for me while I take a pee, please, ma'am?
crazy like Son of Sam.
just don't give a damn.
I'm not a man with a plan;
I just take what I can
by force.
of course, that means I'm rippin your shorts off.
pullin down your panties just to help take a load off
my mind.
I've completely fuckin lost it.
I sleepwalk with a chainsaw all the time--
that's why I'm fuckin exhausted.
at what cost?
how many lives is it worth?
excuse me while I kill your daughter in sacrifice to the Earth.
am I insane?
or am I conversing with God?
I carry this blade around in my pocket like a divining rod.

5/14/09  11:02 am

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